498A misuse


Sharing my Kindle Experience :

Till September-end this year I had absolutely no idea what a Kindle was.I accidently came across an article,'Kindle is evil' in a news portal.I thought maybe it was something related to paranormal ( anything 'evil' being my favourite subject ),however when I opened to read it,I came to realize that it was related to book publishing.And Amazon Kindle was essentially an Ebook reader which was slowly killing the big publishing houses.The article trashed the Kindle as an evil device that was changing people's reading habits.People were no longer buying traditional paper books,and anyone could now publish books and sell through Amazon Kindle with people actually buying them.Now,this sentence really made me curious and not to mention interested like hell.

Why?Because I had loads of stuff that was waiting to be published.However,my books were comparatively shorter than a usual full length novel that required 50k+ words and had to be around 280 pages long.My work were light read around 20k words or less.
So,instead of feeling angry at Kindle as the writer of the article wanted the readers to feel,I felt that Kindle was not at all an evil,rather it was a Boon.Instead of going through the hassles of traditional publishing,authors could now publish their own work,set up their own prices and keep the profits too.Moreover,Kindle was God sent as well,especially to the writers of short fiction,as Kindle allowed books of any length to be published and sold.This pointer really made me love and admire it more.Now,it got me working.I googled up all the information that I could get about Kindle,all the success stories.I found that everything was positive about Amazon Kindle.Thus,I signed up and uploaded all my books,and within 24 hours they were all 'live' at the Amazon Book Store.

Check my Amazon Author Page for list of my Books at Amazon!

Nothing happened for a while and the books sat rather quietly on the store.
Publicity!Marketing!These two words ran in my mind.After all does anything sell without publicity,or word-of-mouth?Hell No!If you dont let the word out that your books are available on the store,no one would come to know about it.So,I set up a strategy to market the books and plugged it at various platforms.My own platforms were this blog and also the Musikdiv Mag both of which gets hundreds of hits regularly.So,after the first quiet week,my books started moving off the shelf slowly but steadily.As the books get bought their rankings start jumping too tremendously.

And with the recently launched KDP Select,Amazon also made it possible for the authors to promote the books for free for a few days.It is a useful step to publicize your work and make your sales jump.I saw lots of positive activities with my books.Till now thousands of them have been sold,so that means that,that many people have my work up on their Kindle devices ( with the numbers growing up steadily ).It is an incredibly amazing feeling to have your self-created products ( whether it is music or books ) to sell.Which means that people are acknowledging and appreciating your work or talent.And for a creative person it is a very satisfying experience.I have more books waiting to go up on the Kindle so I am really excited about it.Kindle is definately the future!

Kindle does have few drawbacks for its non-US publishers eg. its minor tax related issue where a lumpsum is deducted as tax from the royalties which do not apply for its US based authors.It also donot allow to add a non-US bank account for wire transfer.If these two issues are sorted out I'll truely become its biggest fan.
Moreover,Kindle is still a very new concept in India.As such my books are available right now only to the US and western readers.Indians still prefer the traditional paper books and are largely ignorant about ebooks or ereaders which are more popular in the west.I'd prefer the Indian readers to become aware of the Kindle because they get a much wider choice of authors and books.Moreover,a Kindle device can store upto 3k books and is portable that can be carried anywhere.So,there is lot of benefit in owning a Kindle.

Read the research blog 'EPublishers World' for an indepth study and knowledge about Ebook publishing and everything related to it.

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