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And ... Lights ON ! Zoom Camera, Roll Sound and ACTION !
Though, my blog is old,
It has a heart of gold,
Ever heard of old is gold?
It's template feels ancient,
But then, ancient is classic...
While others maybe flashy,
Mine has novelty.
My stories, and poems,
Comes from deep within,
Follow it, in love with it,
You might soon fall in ;-)
Nandini Speaks is the Official blog of Nandini Deka, who loves to dabble in Music & Writing!
Nandini Speaks is a window into the explosive world of ND's frank opinions - where readers get an exciting glimpse of everything - regarding all topics under the sun from ND's ( P.O.V ) point of view.
It is a fun blog that sometimes tend to get a little bit too serious; but with the reins of the blog firmly clutched in Nandini Deka's Finger Tips, it is guaranteed to be a helluva interesting & intriguing reading journey and sometimes a hair raising roller-coaster ride too!
Follow 'Nandini Speaks' - the blog to catch up with Nandini Deka's exclusive creativity and no holds-barred energetic blast of hardcore frank opinions that covers every possible matter/issue under the sun possible! Also follow all other ND's social network profiles ( FB, Twitter, G+, Bloglovin, Linkedin, Pininterest etc ) to keep connected.
From books, music, philosophies, sensitive social issues to murky politics, juicy gossips and the scandalous controversies – you just cannot escape it!
Nothing escapes Nandini Deka's hawkish observation ( sometimes nosy and yes! educational & enlightening too ) and she makes it her business to speak her mind ----- So you might just as well shut up read it!
Lastly, don’t miss to read the ‘Disclaimer’ ( see below ) just in case ND has ruffled some feathers as well as your sensibilities! Be Warned ! :-)
P:S : If you want ND to do Guest Article on your blog then kindly >> Get In Touch <<
My Opinion Matters @ NandiniSpeaks
I see everything that is happening all around me, I have an opinion about it, I speak what's on my mind, and this is my corner of Expressing what I feel, my own opinion about everything under the sun, can be political, humour, entertainment etc....can be just about whatever I think and feel about. My intention is not to upset kindly note that its just my personal opinion and under Democratic India, under its Constitution under 'Freedom Of Speech' I'm entitled to it :-)
WARNING : Nandini Deka has asserted her right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work (the NDSpeaks Blog ). © nandini deka. all rights reserved.
No part of this Blog's 'original' written content/posts/quotes/photographs may be used, re-blogged, reproduced or altered in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without prior written permission from the copyright owner( blog owner ). Comments on this blog are filtered, but only for gratuitous profanity.
If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond "fair use", you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.

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