498A misuse


  • Vadodara Drunk Driving - A law student Rakshit ( Chaurasia (23) ) killed a lady motorist and injured 7 others, in a drunk driving case in Vadodara,Gujarat and what more he is seen screaming 'Another Round? Another Round?' blatantly right after the incident on the streets as though he had no fear of the law and was unfazed by what he had done or its grave consequences. Infact, the fact that he was a law student, after arrest, he tactfully answered the questions while denying he was drunk or was under any influence ( his behaviour on that night pointed otherwise ). He knew which questions to reply and which to dodge or be silent. Is his defiance a result of an already blurry law situation in India where one with loaded pockets usually goes scot free in the end or by just scribbling an apology or sorry note, the case is closed ( esp in cases involving rich juveniles ). Can one forget the superstar who still roams free after running down several people under his car some 20+ years ago ( even shooting some exotic and sacred deers for fun ), one, who is looked upto as an icon? No wonder, hit and run cases have risen with people not really caring about the law, as 'it' could be 'fixed' if one is rich or from an influential background.

  • Nagpur Riots - Aurangzeb ( the infamous Mughal emperor ) died over 300 years ago. Often his name comes up, people discuss how he was a tryant and religious zealot; and then, forgets about him until such conversations crop up again. He sure was in his time, but, it doesn't matter now, does it? He is no longer here. So, merely a movie should not ignite such emotions time and again. And only political parties are gaining out of it, while common man from both the religions fight and kill each other over him. It started with Abu Azmi ( SP MLA ) praising the emperor while claiming the bollywood movie 'Chaava' ( starring Vicky Kaushal ) portrayed him wrong. Result - Hindu Blood Boiled. Then, a descendant of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj and BJP MP, Udayanraje Bhosale, called for the demolition of Aurangzeb’s tomb ( an ASI protected monument ). Result- Muslim Blood Boiled. And, all hell broke loose after someone desecrated someone's holy book. Swords and knives at each other's throats. Shops vandalised. Creating an atmosphere of fear and unrest, and, violence rampant. Even lady constables attacked. While things are gradually being brought under control, was it even necessary? Is Aurangzeb really bothered by all these 'hoo haa' after him?

  • Meerut Murder - A spine chilling muder mystery no less unfolds. A woman 'Muskaan Rustogi' and her lover 'Sahil Shukla' kills her husband, an ex- merchant navy officer 'Saurav Rajput' and keeps him chopped up in a drum filled with cement ( before doing black magic with his head and hands by the lover ) and left for almost 2 weeks to decay. Story straight out of some crime flick, Saurav is given food laden with sedatives on his return and stabbed multiple times while unconscious. Sahil is a black magic practitioner ( has some really weird scary satanic graphics in walls of his room ) who is manipulated by Muskaan by pretending to be his deceased mother and texting him with a fake account. ( Hmm...a deceased person texting sounds fishy in itself ); and he takes part in the sinister plans and it's ultimate execution. After the murder the duo ( who are heavily into drugs as well ) even leaves for a holiday in Shimla and celebrates holi together later on. The child ( of the married couple ) tells the neighbour that 'father has been kept in the drum' sparking suspicions. This is surely a sad reality till what extent one goes - how evil one can get. We keep getting these revolting murder incidents so often that of a lover/spouse getting chopped off like vegetables by their partners in infidelity cases or money related.

  • Aamir Khan's new GF - After the last flop, Lal Singh Chaddha, Aamir Khan was gradually forgotten by the audience and rarely written about. With a new film finally releasing, he wanted the spotlight back on him. So, how to get that? How to draw attention to himself and get the buzz flowing again? In a one of its kind act, he decided to give paparazzi the scoop himself by introducing his new GF, Gauri Spratt to the world ( in pretext of his 60th birthday celebrations ). He was seen discussing his new affair openly even though no one had really asked or snooped on him. Its like 'Aawo humari baatein karo ab'. He needs the press following him and talking about him, a new publicity trick, I guess, to bring crowds back to watch his new release. Aamir Khan had so many marriages and affairs that press was not really interested in covering him, so, he decided to blow the trumpet himself. His new GF is a stunner no doubt, so, I guess the paps will get back to covering him again. So, who is Gauri Spratt? Whoever she is, hope she realizes Aamir khan's 'commitment' is only for few months or few years. So, enjoy the moment till his next catch comes along ;-)

  • Return of SSR, DS case - Was it a murder or suicide? It was forced upon everyone right from the start that Disha Salian ( SSR's manager ) and Sushant Singh Rajput himself, had both committed suicide within few days of each other in summer of 2020, during Covid time. It was a shock that sent ripples around, but circumstances pointed something fishy straight from the begining. There was a public uproar and cry for 'justice for SSR'. The SMS exchanges between the deceased two just before her death; and, the state of dead bodies ( both ) when recovered didn't quite match up to the narratives put out. A bi-polar and depression theory was pushed. A drug angle was created too and everyone's attention diverted via some high profile arrests. But, till date nothing has been solved. While such theories can be 'normal' with celebrities due to the nature of their work and pressures they live in; both these deaths however within days of each other and so connected to one another too screamed some definite mis-doings. Five years on, the two families kept seeking justice, and recently Disha's father pointed his guns at Aditya Thackeray and Co. Gang Raped and murdered thats what happened with his daughter, he claimed while taking the big names and urging proper investigations and re-opening of the case. And when big names are involved, justice always seem bleak, and, far away. Lets see where this one goes.

  • USA Washinton - Donald Trump grumbled and growled in end of Feb at Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Ukraine President in a much publicised meeting held between the duo ( at Oval office ). And yea, the latter replied back too ( bet, Trump didn't expect it ). The internet then roared the entire month that followed. The infamous verbal spat between the two is viral and how. With Trump being a known Putin admirer, its quite an uncanny situation, as traditionally USA and Russia has always been arch rivals. So, a Trump schooling a Zelensky was quite surprising, considering US was officially supporting Ukraine in the war ( its the biggest NATO contributor - although Trump hates it ). Anyhow, its been an interesting watch and lets see how the war or ceasefire progresses. Trump wants Ukraine's mineral reserves desperately, at the same time he particularly dislikes Zelensky as he ( i.e Z ) campaigned for the 'opposition' in recent presidential elections. Trump's acting like a jealous gf, lol.

    ( Images - Google )

    Tara looked at those clouds, wishing how exciting it'd be if she could hop in one of those and live there forever.

    The clouds were almost always going somewhere, so, every day she could see new places.

    What fun it'd be to have a personal 'cloud' as a home.

    Light-weight and fluffy, she could relax and sleep in it whenever she wanted.

    With wind blowing, she'd not need fuel too as the wind would help maneuver it.

    But food, oh...how will she get food up there - how will she cook...its better to stay on earth, she concluded; and, came back to reality :-)

    This post is for SixSentence ( Image Copyright – © )


    The man looked up the tree with a smile, his immediate future taken care of.

    That wood from the trunk would fetch him some good amount.

    The branches and twigs he could save for coming winters to keep his family warm.

    The leaves, he'd sell to some herb company as they had incredible medicinal properties.

    And, the fruits - he and his children would eat those.

    He had already enjoyed the oxygen the tree had given for years, but, it was time for it to go...till he found the next tree!

    The tree look down at the man - it's impending death!

    This 100 word post is for friday fictioneers ( Image Copyright – © Sandra Crook )