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We are entering 2012 in just a few days and I have lots of good news ( infact scary ;-) )to give you !!!

As per the predictions of experts,the life on the Earth will come to an end very soon and may be in the year 2012!!! Dont believe it??You Better!!
2012 is supposedly the mother of all DOOMSDAY PROPHECIES!! And there are not one but plently of causes that might bring the end!
Lets take a look at some of these and mind you how true they turn out to be is upto your own intelligence to comprehend and understand and duly get prepared!!!!

Prediction-1: The Nuclear War
We already had a decade full of wars recently with death and destruction all along everywhere( afghanistan,irag,libya etc ).The clash of civilisation has reached the all time zenith.Though Osama is now dead,we still have a million of things to sort out amongst us.Day by day all the countries are progressing on the nuclear front and in the process of making the strongest nuclear missiles.Due to the clashes and politics among the mighty countries,the third world war is predicted in the year.We already have a competition with our hostile neighbour in the arms race and south east asia is literally sitting on a nuclear time bomb.
In this war there will be heavy nuclear bombardings which will ruin the whole world.It just might come true stay warned!!!!

Prediction-2: Sun storms
As per the solar experts,the recent storms on the sun are bombarding a big radiation energy in the earth's orbit. It is damaging the power grids and destroying the satellites.This phenomenon will increase day by day and as per the calculations, it will reach to extreme by the year 2012,which will end the world.Ah...this is a proven fact confirmed by even the scientists so be alert.

Prediction-3: The Prophecies and the Mayans
This is where it really starts getting eerie. The world is indeed going to end according to the predictions made by Mayan astrologers, Hindu mythology, the Bible and Nostradamus. All of them suggest the same fate for 2012 i.e. the beginning of the end of the world. A few supposed 'intelligent thinkers' may not believe in it,but then who cares about them!!! The predictions of Nostradamus were accurate with respect to the London Fire of 1966, the II World War and 9/11.
The Mayans are a very ancient civilization,in Central America since 1800 BC.They had a very rich culture and they were masters in mathematics, architecture and astrology.The population explosion and the drastic environmental changes was the cause of their destruction.
The Mayans invented a calendar system for the proper way to keep time.As per their calender the world will end on 21 st December 2012.

Prediction-4: The Bible
The Christian Bible says that the final war between good and the evil, will take place in the year 2012.Also,as per the chinese book,'The I Ching',the world is going to end after a big battle between good and evil.Similar predictions are also made by various hindu preachers.Dont believe??? You better!!!

Prediction-5: Volcanoes!!!
Yellowstone National Park in United States is sitting on the top of the biggest volcano.It has the tendency of erupting about every 500,000 years and now it is overdue for an explosion.
It is feared that the volcanic eruption will fill the atmosphere with the fumes, blocking the sun,which will cause an extreme winter,freezing the whole earth, that would last for many years.That will be the end the life on the earth.
The pressure under the Yellowstone is building steadily, and geologists have predicted the year 2012,as a likely date for the massive eruption.

Prediction-6: The Scientists
Constant Catastrophes - God's Revenge
The scientists of America,in Berkely University have predicted that the earth is overdue for a major catastrophic change which will finish the life on the earth.They boast about the perfection in their prediction which is 99 percent correct.So they have set their prediction on the year 2012, as the end of the world.
Seriously, do you want more proof of the fact that that the world is slowly reaching its end? With over a hundred earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, terror attacks, hailstorms, floods, volcanic eruptions, landslides, etc we have a "titanic" reason to worry.

Prediction-7: The Magnetic field
A few years back leaks had been found in the earth's magnetic poles giving rise to speculations that it would lead to some massive upheaval on the planet. This year again, reports have flown about the shift in the earth poles which has again given us reason to believe in the theory.
Our Earth is surrounded by a magnetic field which protects us from the radiations of the sun.The North and South magnetic poles have a tendency of swapping places about every 700,000 years.
The earth is by now,about 30,000 years overdue. It is also observed that the poles are drifting apart roughly 10 to 25 kms every year due to which the magnetic field is disrupted and will eventually disappear and finish the world.

Prediction-8: Global Warming
Our scientists had always told us about the ill-effects of global warming and Al Gore and Leo Di Caprio also sent us constant reminders of how we should try and use less water and use eco-friendly substances etc. We know you didn't try to save the earth from global warming and now is thus, the time to face the music.

Prediction-9: Worldwide Mess
Translates to the major social, political and economic mess that's going on around the world. Some of the major events that have shook the world and also claimed lives are the Egyptian Revolution, the Libyan Civil War, the Occupy Wall Street Movement, London Riots and our home-grown Anna Hazare movement, apart from many other revolutionary movements in various other countries is indicative something larger that might be in store for us.

Prediction-10: Legendary Deaths
Everybody Important is Dead
2011 is already ending on a mournful note since it has seen the death of a lot of influential personalities. A number of our loved celebs left this world. Steve Jobs died, so did Tiger Pataudi and Amy Winehouse and Dev Anand and Jagjit Singh and Elizabeth Taylor and many others. Co-incidentally, this was also the year which saw the death of Osama bin Laden and Muanmar Gaddafi. What more do you want to hear? You're next?

Prediction-12: Planet Nibiru & Planet -X
A mysterious planet nibiru is headed right at us and with crash into our planet exactly on 21th Dec2012 Buhahaha !! Get scared Dahlings!!!

Prediction-12: 2013 Doesn't Sound Right
Those of you that don't think 13 is an unlucky number, this is not for you.Those that do only have to imagine the significance of the year 2012. Isn't it way too uncanny that the astrologers don't see the world stepping into 2013? The number 13 itself gives the inkling of a bad omen. So, it is only obvious that the world is coming to an end on 2012, right?

Prediction-13: Manmohan Knows
He knew all Along
This explains his silence in the face of the socio-political unrest that has hit the country. Therefore, while everyone is screaming about the country being a banana republic and the all the politicians being corrupt, etc. etc. Manmohan is basking in the warmth of his secret knowledge. So, dear Mr. Prime Minister, now that we have revealed you secret, what do you have to say to that?

Happy New Year Guys in advance!!!Because kya pata 2013 ho na ho.....

With inputs from Internet Media

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