498A misuse


Someone tells you a list of to-dos for a healthier you and recieves a 850crore law suit. It happened to the famous cricketer we all know as Siddhu paji's wife. Why? Hmmm...lets see where it went wrong!

First wrong is definately the fact that he is a famous person. His words can influence many. However, was he really wrong? I read the contents in his tweets as well as saw his press conference on the topic. He did claim what he did, but, he also did admit that his wife underwent various treatments as well. His wife was suffering from stage 4 breast cancer. But his speech stressed more that she became cancer-free following that particular lifestyle and a strict diet routine. So, it did give an impression that following the regime alone one can be cancer-free too. Maybe, his way of speaking got it all wrong, as he kept stressing on the diet and lifestyle. Had his wife not undergone other treatments and was cured naturally only via that particular diet routine, things then would have been different. But the fact that she did take usual treatments ( a lot of them, infact ), along with the diet, made them eligible for the case initiated by the Chhattisgarh Civil Society and other petitions. However, he does have freedom of speech, and, he did mention the other treatments too albeit not stressed as much as he did the diet - so, didn't really commit a crime per se. And we can just choose to listen or not listen, and move on!

There are many videos on youtube and social media these days with tonnes of cures and remedies. There's always someone or the other prescribing this or that diet or lifestyle change or exercises/yoga, therapies etc for various diseases. Many follow them, and maybe its helping a lot too. But we need to take these with a grain of salt. Not everything we see on internet is believable; yet, we shouldn't ignore all either. There's both good and the bad. I so so wanted Siddhu's claims to be truth, because, I also seek natural treatments. But the fact that his wife underwent a multitude of usual medical treatments somewhat dashed my hopes. Because, although the diet may have helped, so might have the treatments - thats the glaring possibility. So, thats where lies my disillusionment. I'm happy she is cured; only I wished, she was cured solely by the diet. Thats where precisely Siddhu's claims fell flat.

Like I mentioned, I seek natural cure too and am great follower of natural therapies and genuinely believe a lot of it helps. I've never been to a doctor myself all my life esp adult life, because, I'm scared of handing over my life's reign to them or get dependent on medicines. I also believe, God has built a healing mechanism within our system, that largely fights off number of diseases and gives us immunity all through our lives. We hardly notice it, but, its there. Also, the food we eat, makes us what we are. Healthy food nourishes us, unhealthy food damages our system slowly. Our body constantly heals and keep our system going. But cancer is another ball game altogether. Its when the inbuilt defence mechanism fails to fight and protect, that cancer thrives. Hence, claims like Siddhu did becomes hard to digest. Like I said, ( I know I'm repeating ), had his wife not taken other treatments and got cured solely on the diet, I'd have been much happier. It'd have stamped my conviction that nature can cure without the intrusion of technology or science. Because, for me, Nature is the biggest Science there is! In the past too I had come across similar claims that ~ cannabis or marijuana cured cancer ( thats why its banned to aid the pharmaceutical industry ); someone got cured by solely being dependent on carrot, garlic and black grapes diet etc. So, there's nothing wrong in considering what Siddhu claimed, but, we can't say for sure that it's the ultimate cure. Maybe, we can include those items in our lives and eat healthy and in moderation and hope for the best that cancer doesn't touch us. My own 'gharelu' remedy to live a healthy life is to cut the stress and negativity and live a positive and happy life. I ignore negative people and it has helped me so much. Thats the best cure infact, along with good amount of undisturbed sleep and little sweaty exercise or walks!

What is cancer - In our body, each cell undergoes a life-death cycle and new cells are produced. There are trillions of cells that make up the body. The cells we had in our birth or childhood are not the cells that we have now, or, won't be the same during our old age. They die and produce new ones. Thats the system or protocol it has to follow. But, if some cell doesn't die but keeps multiplying, it eventually forms a lump thats called a cancer or tumor. And, if such cells reaches other parts of the body, thats metasizing, which is a dangerous situation when other organs in the body get affected and ultimately fail. Similarly, in blood cancer, white blood cells multiplies and changes the algorithm of the body.

Navjot Singh Siddhu's Tweets on Cancer-Cure

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