498A misuse


So friends, I just noticed that my last ( unpublished) post was over a year ago; and the published one, over two years ago! Now, is that a cause to worry or not? Yep, I'm literally panicking. How on earth did I become so lazy? Like seriously!!! Anyways, methinks, too many things contributed to my being inactive for so long.

Lets analyse them one by one - the causes, heheh :-)

Yeah so, in 2016, around march, I had moved from my city home ( in Bambai= Bombay ) to a place literally rural, and totally cut off! Its quite far and there were many reasons for it too. First, my health. I had some serious health issues - stress related, heart related, headache related and all combined, it made a mess out of me. I felt claustrophobic in my city house; which is right in the middle, near the busy railway station and I just wanted some clean and pure air, away from the crowd. So, I bought a place in the country side and moved there. While there, my health improved a lot but everything else suffered. The place is so remote, that the network there is pathetic. I could consider myself lucky if any call got through at all. Blogging n all, well forget about it...the internet there didn't simply understand what 'speed' is. So, if I had to post something, I'd have to carry my lappy, all the way to my city house and post it from there. And before long, it became quite tedious; specially so, when during one such trips, my lappy got squeezed so bad, that its keyboard simply gave up!!! In the end, no matter what I typed, the keyboard would give out its own 'asfasdfgasdf' kinda words. I didn't want to change the lappy though, as it had 'my entire world' inside it, which again would be simply too tiresome to shift to my other unused lappy. Okay, okay I admit I was just too lazy a person! Which, I still AM, btw!!!!
Anyway, so even buying a detachable usb keyboard and carrying it along to my city house was kinda......OMG!!! Have you not seen the local-trains rush...so, to even imagine what it might be like!!! Yea....so, most of what I typed remained inside my head, hence. And I missed tonnes of blogging events too that I can't even begin to mention. My casualty was thus, my blog :-(

In beginning of 2017, in Jan, I got a frantic call from my mother - my father was in the hospital. 10 days after I reached my native home in Guwahati/Assam, my father expired. The months that followed were spent just hopping to and fro from my native place. I went back to Bambai in April.....until march next year, 2018, I did everything else ( watching TV ;-) ) except blogging. In March, I went home again, then in July back to Bambai, then within 25 days in July itself, I again went back to Ghy. Then again, in Feb2019, I went Bambai, and by April I was back in Ghy. So, largely, I spent the last two years ( spare a couple of months ), in my native house. Simply, because, I wanted to give my mother company; as now, after my father's demise, she's been living alone. And yeah, so, my casualty was my blog again :-( I know, I could've still blogged, because my network in Ghy is far better than that rural house back in Maharashtra, and the trouble of carrying my lappy all the way to the city house there, well...well, excuses...excuses...I know :|

So, to cut things short....I've decided to blog again, ( atleast, till Google permits and it doesn't shutdown 'Blogger' the way its shutting everything else :o )...the time I'm in Ghy - So, I bought another usb keyboard - hell-yeah!!! I'll, hopefully, just finish all those pending posts/projects - especially in my reviews blog....cos' those are literally in a limbo. And yea...am good and much sorted now....till I of course go back to Bambai...and the merry-go-around from my rural-to-my-city-house-back-to-rural-house-and-so-on keeps on happening indefinitely....( till of course, the rural connectivity catches up - Digital India, anyone? ) And no, if someones wondering, I have no intention of settling back in my city house there.....I'll keep it for sometime..till I manage to sell it off. My health doesn't allow me anything more than an overnight stay there!!!

My next plan of action - for blogging, of course :-)
I've decided to spend atleast 2-3 hours daily, in blogging. I know, its not much....but right now, I'm just too distracted with other things too :-p ( I can't mention here, heheh ), to devote more. I'll also try and reconnect with those lovely 'writing prompt' sites and contribute - hope, they still exist :o And, plenty of fictions, I promise :*

That's it for now - see you in my next blog :-)
keep smiling, xoxo

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