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On 2nd July night, I had posted my story based on a real life incident on a paranormal group's FB page, where they have a contest running, calling for submission of real spooky experiences. If selected, the story will be shown in an episode of an upcoming horror show on a very famous Television channel. ( There are other prizes too - Free pass to their paranormal investigation workshop, Free 1 year membership, T-shirt ). But I was more lured by the main big prize i.e My story on TV. On 2nd evening, they announced that only 3 days were left for the final date of submission, so immediately, I set down to write one. Those who know me, would know very well my penchant for telling horror stories. And this was a great opportunity to tell my story to the world.
I thought of writing about some spooky incident which I experienced recently, but decided against it. My mother used to tell us about many experiences she and her family had. So, I opted for one of those.

Next day around late noon, I received a call from the organizers showing interest in my story and asked my permission if they could go ahead with it. I asked them if it'd be like a serial or a documentary. They said, serial. So, I guess they'd be adding little masala to it while keeping the base story intact. Ooh! I'm so excited. They also said, they'll take a byte from me, which they'll show at the end of the episode. Cool, if things go right then I'll be on TV soon :D

After the call ended, I immediately called my mother to reconfirm the story again. She is a private person, so was a bit concerned about going public with it. But, I've been pursuing the paranormal subject quite publicly in various debates/discussion forums etc for quite a while now. So, I convinced her that telling what really happened will only make people clear their misconceptions about the paranormal. And there's nothing wrong in it. I also added, the channel might add little masala of their own to make it more interesting. So, she could relax. And yeah! I can hardly wait to see the story unfold on the main screen! \YAY/ ( P.S : Watch this space for more updates! )

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  1. Wow! Congratulations Nandini! Waiting to see you on TV! :D

  2. Congrats Nandini! we too are waiting for yr serial on TV.


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