498A misuse


  Universe is not a tv or laptop where parts can be dissected and proven how it operates, but fortunately we can take example of laptop itself, how it has many different parts within and every thing runs on energy source i.e electricity in uniform, even us ( the food n water we take in, acts as fuel within us to keep us running ). All electronic items run on electricity which can't really be seen with naked eyes, yet we know it exist, same way in greater scheme of thing a higher energy runs the universe. We are tiny parts of that energy, and unlike other electronic items, we humans and other living creatures can think and act on their own. We have the will power, so I believe in souls which are given that will power, thinking capacity by the greater source who also I believe has a much bigger thinking capacity to have so much intelligence to keep running the show. It may not make sense; but little introspection on it, it will start making sense.

Just because life is temporary, that doesn't make this world or universe and its creatures, objects unreal. Even after we die, this universe will continue to exist and we too will see it, only from a different dimension. Soul is spirit body/energy and after death of body, soul still exists and still sees the universe but from another dimension ( in a dream kinda state ).

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