498A misuse


Tearful, she stared at the swamp around,
Clutching the oars, trying to hold the unsteady boat in place,
She wished, she had come long ago,
Fought for her land, and her ancestors,
Buried, who lay now, several feet underneath,
The swamp waters, now, their only grave.

She remembered, mails after mails, that she had ignored,
Written by her near ones, to fight their case,
Of the corporator threatening to empty the town,
Construction of the dam, that was to be immediate.

Homeless, they had stood defiant, till they drowned,
Their once-tall mansions washed away in the floods, abrasive,

This post is for friday fictioneers and magpie tales 304 ( Image Copyright – © Erin Leary/Adolphe Valette )
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  1. This one is a nice poetic tale. Few things that you ignore bring regrets, eventually. This poem is a reminder that you should care for your near and dear ones.


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