498A misuse


Once again, he tried to wriggle, in her hands,
not new, it was, a daily occurrence.
Beautiful ladies, picked him up, as they posed,
Using him as prop, the camera, they'd impress.
None knew, the stirring in his heart, that was caused,
As on each one, he'd have, a massive crush.

They'd look pretty, pose and pout about,
In strange costumes too,
He found them attractive, a lot.
But once the shoot was over,
they'd instantly, abandon him,
His love was thus,
forever, left incomplete....

This post is for magpie tales 292 ( Image Copyright – © photo by Elaine Usdin )
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  1. Poor, stuffed rabbit always waiting in that same position....for love.

  2. I wonder if his name is Harvey!

  3. I think you are the only one who narrated from the rabbit's point of view. Poor rabbie crushing on all the models but none stays around for too long.

  4. thanks a lot everyone :-)


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