498A misuse


I'm quite an adventure freak; one, whose legs are always itching to travel 24x7. I have set off on a whim, to strange far-away places. And sometimes, even to places that have been totally cut-off from any human contact or even technology, of any sort. Those times do get very lonely especially when I am all my own, and need a friend around. Those are times when mostly my phone, comes to my rescue. Well, atleast till the battery doesn't run out, that is. With the various apps and games loaded in it, I get to fiddle around it, and my loneliness somewhat subsides with my brains deeply engrossed in these activities. But these far-off locations can sometimes rupture my net-connection completely too, and I'm not to sure what would give me company in those god-forsaken times. With a dire need of entertainment of some sort, my mind then starts sending warning-signals, if these trips so far away from civilizations were even worth it. And I start to doubt myself & my decisions to come there, too. Indeed, how convenient it'd be, to just stay at home and stay glued to my favourite shows on the television and enjoy unhindered urban net-connections; why to venture out of my comfort zones at all, eh?

But is that a life? Being a couch potato? I love those nature and adventure trails of mine to death and wouldn't want to miss out on those at any cost. At the same time, I do not want to sacrifice my favourite shows on TV either. Wasn't there any viable option that could merge these two interests of mine into one? As in, bring them closer? Well, Tata Sky seems to have an answer to that, with their new 'transfer-box' feature. I can seemingly, just record my favourite shows and transfer them onto my phone via wi-fi and watch them whenever I miss them or I'm out. So, be it on top a mountain-peak, in middle of some desert, somewhere in a distant beach or even while travelling in some local bus or train - no matter where I head out, I can carry my entertainment dose with me, in my pocket so-to-say. Its as easy as that! Awesome, isn't it? More awesome is when I record and transfer all my favorite travel-based shows from TV ( like Lonely Planet, Highway on My Plate etc ) onto my mobile, and explore those very places, using these shows as a hands-on guide. What fun, it'd be!

How cool is this!!! #TATASkyTransfer#TATASkyTransfer#TATASkyTransfer ( Sketch is Mine )

But then, there are times when its not about me and my wild-escapades anymore. When entertainment becomes inaccessible, even where you are, surrounded by your near and dear ones ~ right in the middle of comforting civilization, at home! That experience can be harrowing, I tell you. Be it other family members fighting over the remote, each wanting to see their own favourite show or some guests dropping in at the most inopportune time and asking to switch on their favourite soap as well, when its actually time for your own favourite show to be aired! Aaargh..how I've gone through those frustrating nightmares! But now, after seeing the Tata Sky Tranfer box option, it seems no more a problem anymore. Like the kid in that Transferkars video, I can simply record, transfer my favourite show to my mobile and watch in leisure, while the others can continue with their remote-grabbing match. Clever haan #TATASkyTransfer

Lets have a close look what #TataSkyTransfer really is and how exactly the 'transfer' is done ;-)
So, what do you think about #TataSkyTransfer? Incredible, isn't it?


This post is part of #TATASkyTransfer ! ( Images Credit - IB, TataSky & ©Mine. All Rights Reserved )
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1 comment:

  1. You don't watch ghost adventures on Tata sky? And must say - your drawing skills have improved since the devilish kangaroo.


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