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When I got an invite to the Pampers event recently, my first reaction was ~ A Baby event, and me? I'm not a parent yet and haven't written about the parenting topic as yet, ever. So, what am I gonna do at a parent's event? But then, another thought crept into my mind. Heya, I’ve been close to babies almost all my life, wasn’t I? Be it my cousin's, my own sister's, my friend's or even my neighbour’s. I’ve held babies and played with them for hours on end. At times, I did baby-sitting too. So, yes, come to think of it, I did have a fair enough idea about these little angels; their needs, their tantrums and all. As I write this, my neighbourhood baby is actually enjoying the Pampers I gifted him, which I had received via this event. So, as you must've guessed already, I indeed did register in the end. I registered, to know more about babies, which I wasn’t that aware of – although, I had a pretty good idea as mentioned already.


The panelists @mandybedi @KidsCenterIndia @tarasharmasaluj & Dr. Wei Sing Long

The preparations were on grand scale as we could see from the beautiful ‘set’ prepared, for the launch of India’s Softest Diaper Ever ~ one, that would host some of the who’s who of the industry and experts. Mandira Bedi was the emcee for the afternoon, with Tara Sharma, KidsCenterIndia ( Ajitha ) and Dr. Wei Sing Long as the panelists. @mandybedi kick-started the Pampers bloggers meet by speaking on 'being born free to explore the world of discoveries'! For a baby – love, sleep and freedom are most important, which includes skin health, infant care and all around softness. The lovely Tara Sharma reminisced her own experience of using Pampers for her sons and gave us visual glimpses of it too via her famed television show on parenting. She also told us how she used Pampers, even before being professionally connected to the brand. Her elder son, infact, still remembers Pampers as being soft and clean that too without being briefed about it, even though he has grown up now . Your kid's diaper plays a huge role in the quality of sleep & length of sleep. It has to give the right level of dryness. And skin health is really important for the baby, spoke the experts at the event.


There were some activities too, wherein the bloggers could take part as well. First was the 'feel it and guess' product demo – where, in a box three different diapers were kept vertically as 1, 2 and 3. One had to feel each and tell which one was softest with a vote machine. 92% felt number 2 i.e pampersindia was the #SoftestForBabySkin.


Preview of the new Pampers Premium Care Pants for bloggers

The event got more interesting when PampersIndia decided to walk the talk i.e prove it before our very eyes - all their claims! All of a sudden, the hall resembled a Research and Development Lab with their expert taking the #Bloggers through the various features of #SoftestForBabySkin.


Live DEMO - See how the liquid gets absorbed leaving your baby dry?

Dr. Wei Sing Long, Pampers R&D expert also demonstrated live via a test that Pampers Premium Care Pants is indeed what it claims - soft, dry and comforting for the baby.

Another live DEMO!


PampersIndia makes moms happy and makes them want to have another baby too!

The event ended with lots of selfies, one-on-one interactions and of course the goodies, not to mention the all-important information absorbed as well :-)

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( Images - BA/PI )
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