498A misuse


Ablaze with fury with her cave-community, Rosy the she-bear, packed her stuff and headed to human civilization to start a new life.

Oh, how she loved the human-life and dreamt to be one herself ~ humans were after all the most civilized lot.

However, when she reached the civilization, she only observed unrest, rabid jealously and wars between humans; her thoughts began changing drastically.

When she saw an entrance door, leading to nowhere, up in a building, Rosy realized that humans had lost it completely.

She longed for her own community; they were simple-uncivilized-folks, but had deep love for each other.

This 5 sentence 100 words post is for Friday Fictioneers - ( Image Copyright – © Lauren Moscato ) & lilliemcferrin
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  1. Yes human life is full of twists and turns...never as simple or magical as we quite imagine..wonderful short story

  2. Anonymous16:07

    We sure have lost it. Great take.

  3. We Roseys aren't stupid you know!

  4. i love this take on the bear and humans

  5. Anonymous20:04

    That grass isn't so much greener as more out of focus, as it seems she found out. I wonder if the old community will take her back now

  6. Poor Rosy should have noticed the remains of the hoist above the door to lift goods to the upper level! Still, for all that she is still better off in the wild. She sounds like a prodigal daughter, who has to see the world.

  7. Anonymous14:08

    I really like this. Great use of the prompt(s).


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