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I looked at the phone anxiously. I have been a bundle of nerves of late. My fiancée gave me a terrible news, and I’ve been biting the nails off my fingers in worry. He got a good offer in Bangalore, one that he couldn’t refuse ( as mind-blowing as it was ); but one that needed him to re-locate for good and that too long-term! Though I was reluctant to see him go to a different city, I knew, in the end it would be beneficial for him and us too in the long run, so didn’t show my panic openly. Anyways, it was just a matter of 1-2 months and I’d be joining him as well. Inside, however, I was bit nervous. But more jittery was he, when suddenly he called me up as soon as he reached, because he found out that his stay in the office accommodation was only for a temporary period and he had to find a proper place to put up soon. He called me there immediately. I was like…hold on, calm down. We’ll see this through. Yes, I’d be going there too, but I guess, I could prepare from much ahead, from here ( Bombay ) itself. After all, this was the digital age; things are supposed to be at our finger-tips, right? Re-locating can be really stressful, especially when you leave a part of your life and the things you’ve got so used to behind and start all over again in a completely different place. So many things have to be thought out properly, and there was so little time to plan. What could be the 'quick' solution? My mind got thinking. And yes, the answer was indeed at my finger-tips!


QUIKR!!! I was browsing one of my favourite blogging communities, when my eyes came upon one of their sponsors. It was an e-commerce website that covered all major cities; yes Bangalore too. Can it rescue me? And more importantly my fiancée, who was going berserk unable to cope with this sudden change! I checked its ‘Bangalore’ portal, and my eyes scanned all the things that was offered on the site. Interesting, I mused, to myself. Then my eyes fell on the ‘popular categories’ listed on one side ( the site is huge by the way ). And I was like WHOAH! I’ve found my solution. And best thing is, they have both NEW/USED options for products. So, choices are plenty.


The items listed in 'popular categories' were just the perfect things required during relocation to a new place. So, eagerly, I began exploring these categories and decided to make a list of things that I'd ask my fiancee to go through thus helping him out ;-)


QUIKR 1. Real Estate - Apartment for Rent ~ That's where I first looked. Because, a home or roof over the head was most important, as of now. I chose rented ones, because buying will need a much bigger plan/budget, which we could do once we've settled down for a while. I found a wide range of accommodation choices, all neatly listed. Making a note of all specifications and also the contact infos of owners, that would be required to make a deal, I proceeded to the next.

QUIKR 2. Home & Lifestyle - Home Furniture ~ This was the most important category, after the house. Furniture!!! Bed, Sofa, Dining Table, Study and the like. I don't want to carry all my old stuff to the new city. They are best thrown away or maybe sold too on Quikr itself. And Quikr does have tonnes of stuff listed, again in a very neat, well-categorized manner that makes it so hassle free to search and find. You also get instant notifications if a new ad of your browsing-interests is up, and you can instantly check that as well. I clicked and saved, all those things that I thought would be useful, along with contact infos of the sellers ( you can contact directly ). And that done, I proceeded to the next.

QUIKR 3. Electronics & Appliances - Kitchen Appliances ~ Its been a long time since I've stayed in Bombay. All my utensils, kitchen appliances and electronic items are very old. So, just like I'm doing with the furniture, I'll get rid of the old stuff and buy new ones. It'll save me the trouble of carrying old junk all the way to Bangalore. All types of electronics and appliances like Washing Machine, Television, Air Conditioner and everything that you can think of, needed in running a house, is listed here, at much cheaper rates. So, I begin saving the ones that'll suit my needs and budget; then proceed to the next.

QUIKR 4. Services - Electrician & Plumbers ~ My fiancee is completely clueless when it comes to fixing up things. Cute that is, but completely useless too. So, with a new house, new appliances and all - he'll be at his wits end how to put them all up together. Here, I discovered a priceless category too, offered by Quikr; that'll put my fiancee's as well as my mind to rest. It has all kinds of 'services' listed, that one might require - carpenters, electricians, plumbers etc. Ah! Makes life so easy, doesn't it? So, instantly I get down to noting and saving the necessary info.

Thus, armed with all these details, I was ready for my fiancee's next frantic call. I had already emailed and made few phone calls to some of the sellers/owners/service-men as well, and now would ask my fiancee to go over, check and finalize the deal. Ah! I think I'm lifting a huge burden off his shoulders, by making the task so easy. And, aren't I smart too ;-) Because after all done, I'll just have to move in to a fully ready & functional home :-) With Quikr websites's perfect navigation of all their categories, one can truly search and get what one is looking for really 'quick' and yes, sell too!


( Images - Quikr & IB ) | Quikr!! Bangalore!! is a free local classifieds website where you can post free advertisements related a business, product and service offered in Bangalore!!
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