498A misuse


What is your take? #ReligionSocialViews ( This post is part of Indispire )

When a baby is born, does s/he have a religion? Answer is NO! Maybe there is a God somewhere who sent the baby on earth ( via all that biology+chemistry union of two human bodies ), but the myriad ways to reach 'HIM' via different cultures, rituals, festivals etc makes religion more a man-made thing as per society that existed in those ancient days.

As s/he grows, the child is then taught what has been passed on through generations as the absolute truth, and he blindly believes it all. But go some distance and you'll come across another culture that teaches a different way, which is also true as per their belief. And it goes on as you travel more. So, it becomes multiple truths but different ways of belief. Nobody knows for sure which is the right way. Some claims only theirs is right, while other's are wrong and you see half the problems in this world happening as a result of it.

I read a girl's post on this topic. Although, she used a slang word in her post title, I mostly agreed with her views.

In the past, maybe it was normal to have rigid views regarding religion. But in today's world, when thanks to technology the world has become such a small place - with so much inter-mingling of population, information exchange etc, I feel there should be some kinda common consensus about religion by all world religious leaders. Its just not possible that there can be so many different religions while we all came from the same Almighty. Someone, somewhere is definitely wrong regarding religions and its practices and maybe someone is right too. But how do we find exactly ~ who is right and who is wrong? We cannot be so rigid about our beliefs anymore and hang on to it as absolute truth. Religion is more I think the lifestyle we live - a social practice now, nothing to do with God really.

My born religion says there are about 33 crore Gods & Goddesses. Although, it has another belief too that there's one supreme God. But various practices/rituals diverts from that main God. Personally I don't believe in such rituals. And thankfully I'm not forced to believe them. But there are other religions who aren't as lenient. And therein lies the trouble. Beliefs should not be forced on anyone.

I studied in a convent and learnt about Jesus. I regarded the religion as a childish fairy tale - what with Christmas, Santa Claus, gifts, cakes etc. My beliefs were agnostic and was always up for a debate on religion. There are controversial verses in almost all religions and it is quite interesting to dissect those - they give glimpses into ancient people's imagination that sometimes ran wild. However, certain incidents in my life and a prayer ( that proved miraculous ) later, led me close to the same belief I thought as childish earlier - and no its not my born religion. For me its a very personal thing. And am still searching answers ~ researching.

I won't rubbish away God, but many practices of different religions definitely needs rubbishing away ~ especially things that confuse and divides us! Those are man-made politics and social-system, having nothing to do with GOD - the one who made us. Our relation with the one who created us is very personal. We don't need a garb of religion for that.
And, yes we can criticize man-made and man-complicated beliefs & practices like religion without being abusive :-)

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  1. Religions............
    The approach over them is .. what to say
    something kweel.. :)

  2. Religion is a good drug.

  3. My thoughts ALL religions should be banned .. Religion is the main cause of all Human's miseries.. the Atom bomb did not kill that many as many have been killed in the name of religion over time ..


    1. hmm...banning would be extreme i think...there are good points too, i think ppl can follow the good points and discard the bad ones - that'll solve most of the problems, like i said all religion leaders should come together and form a consensus of sorts :-)

  4. Religion and politics goes hands on..................

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    1. oh yes...i do believe that too...mostly all religions have politics in them - of ruling the world etc etc esp those that believe in proselytizing.

  5. Anonymous17:11

    wonderful read. perceptions,biases, obnoxious rules are man-made. beliefs, faiths & choice is also man-made. we can choose what is best for us & for our kids. good wishes.

    1. thanks ruchi....i personally feel we should leave it to the kids to decide for themselves and not force anything on them

  6. Very true. We believe our own path is the best path where as there are many ways of reaching the ultimate reality. Hinduism has two parts - spirituality and rituals. Too often we get caught up in the rituals and forget spirituality. We fail to connect with God. No God can forgive you if you are perpetrating evil deeds even though you pray every day.

    1. yeah..thats one thing the bothers me..ppl give too much importance to rituals that spirituality is sometimes forgotten altogether...but then its their lives, their practices :-)

  7. Its something that keeps us in check from unleashing the beast inside us but then there are so many who have learnt that in the name of religion a lot more than violence can be created. Its become a reason for hate. Wish people would take your advice and take the good from religion and discard the bad.

    1. thanks for the feedback...appreciate it :-)

  8. Very thought provoking. Thank you for sharing


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