498A misuse


Theme for Jan 17, 2014 'WOW' : ‘An animal’s take on things!’ You have to write a short story/incident (200-300 words) from an animal’s perspective.

There was a time when the endless green grassy fields, spanning all across the world, were ours - to thrive upon. We were the undisputed kings in our own lands. We ate to our fullest – those fat healthy yummy green grasses; and produced the purest of milk, from within ourselves – that made a healthier ‘you’ and of course our own baby calves well nourished too.

We sat and relaxed in our spacious green kingdoms for hours on end. No worries. Nothing disturbing; nothing throttling our freedom, our own space under the Sun! Life was so much fun. We were all healthy and a happy lot.

But see how times have changed now. Our kingdoms of meadows have been mercilessly invaded, crushed. Our green fields turned into crude concrete jungles, where mankind has encroached from every side, every angle. No breathing space for us; now they throw their garbage, their litter, their filth even. With no more grassy fields, in hunger we have to hunt and survive, gathering food from such trash-pits within.

No longer healthy are we. With newer diseases attacking every day, our tribes are slowly shrinking, day by day. My colleagues and family are falling prey – sick, ill and even dying - to the plastic bags that we eat in a state so desperate, so toxic, in attempts to satisfy our hunger pans, with no respite in sight.

Just think humans – how you’d feel? Your homes snatched from right underneath your feet. Your food snatched from you and you are given garbage to eat instead! Don’t you think you deserve it, after what you did to us? ---------- Sincerely, Your 'friendly' neighbourhood Cow!

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blogadda wow series
This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda" | ( Images Courtesy : Google )
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  1. Interesting. You've looked at this topic from another angle. Most people, including myself look at cows as pests who are dirtying the roads of India. Good defence.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. relevant topic and well presented ..

  4. Anonymous00:47

    so true. our ecosystem is general is getting corrupted


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