498A misuse


Life is precious, that I learnt,
A short-term gift from God, to enjoy earth,
In a brand new body, our soul dwell,
A short mystic circle of birth and death spell,
Intriguing journey it is, that began.

When I'm low and feeling helpless,
Selfish brutal world, makes me depressed; hopeless,
On the verge of giving up, I realize,
Life is precious.

We all come to this world for a reason,
Not weak, to be strong is our lesson,
The hurdles we face are only tests of endurance,
Striving on the survival path with our patience,
At the end, its all a just temporary game to cherish,
Life is precious.


The traditional 15-line rondeau in three stanzas based on 2 rhymes and a rentrement or refrain with the scheme R-aabba aabR aabbaR. Typically, the rentrement forms the opening part of the first line of the poem; it can be as short as one word, but is more usually a complete clause or phrase.

This post is for dVerse Poets Pub
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Copyright 2013 © Nandini Deka ( Images : Google )

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  1. Such an uplifting piece:)

  2. I agree.. very uplifting. you turned it into a wonderful words of wisdom

  3. "Short-term gift from GOD"

    Very precisely said, everyone should realize this.

  4. Life is indeed precious.
    Anna :o]

  5. Love this! This is a very well done rondeau, and I love your message of life and hope.

    1. thanks for reading..glad you liked it :-)

  6. Anonymous17:08

    Life is indeed precious. You've taken a few liberties with the rondeau form; your rhyme scheme is more flexible than the 'rules' strictly allow - only two rhymes across the whole poem - and your meter is quite variable, but this is a successful poem nonetheless.

    Thanks for joining in ... smiles

  7. Wonderful! very positive


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