498A misuse


This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 37; the thirty-seventh edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton. The theme for the month is "Truth is stranger than fiction"

"I want to see you Maria, you are mine. I want to see you completely. I want to see everything today!" Rico exclaimed in uncontrollable passion.
Their relation on internet had soared heights lately, both madly in love.

A new webcam she had got. A bit shy, bit hesitant she took some shots.

He wanted to see everything she remembered, he said....

Slowly, only to please him she removed her clothes one by one.
She had never done it before, but she loved him so.
With a bit courage, she clicked some daring shots.
Revealing her assets only for his eyes, she mailed the pictures.

"You, whore...you bloody slut. I never want to see you again you cheap porno," Rico was furious when he saw the photographs.
He thought she did this for everyone. And yet, she had done it just to please him. Only him.

He had said, he wanted to see everything, didnt he?

Rico broke all the promises he made. She felt used, vulnerable and violated.
He continued to stubbornly think of her as a prostitute, but only if he knew that it was the first time she had done it, only for him.

Maria threw away the webcam in disgust, it had destroyed everything.
Accused a prostitute, she was still a virgin...

Indeed, Truth is Stranger than Fiction!

The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton. Participation Count: 02

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  1. Oh...Sad...a very sad thing to happen. But, she wasn't wise either...:((
    Enjoyed reading this crisp tale, nandini. ATB for BAT!!:))

    1. thank you @Panchali...glad u liked it..

  2. Hmmm so sad for her... !!! Some tym internet love is so risky.... Nyc post with emotions... All d best keep writing.... :)

  3. You can't know a person over net. It is so naive of a girl to be carried away and reveal herself. Also once on net it can be used dangerously.

    All the best for BAT

  4. awwwww...thats sad ... enjoyed reading the story . Good luck !

  5. I agree with Meenakshi..you can never know a person on net..the frequency of such incidents have rather increased in the society..very well depicted..ATB for BAT..

    1. thank you and same to you too @odyzz

  6. even i second that, you cant know someone on internet...people are very naive to get blown away with the affection over wires...well written...short and to the point
    ATB for BAT
    do drop in at:
    - Don't Whine

    1. thank you @Karan,...sure I will

  7. a microfiction's crispness from the beginning till the end. loved the narration. Strange but true! she fell for it, sad...

    1. thank you @Akila...welcome to my blog

  8. People and their misunderstandings. Very bold depiction, very well penned.

  9. dark side of life in that short story.

  10. such incidents , unfortunately do happen a lot . A demerit of technology . In this generation , where there is an overplay of the virtual world , parents should go that extra mile to educate girls on such unprecedented lurking dangers .

    Brave take !

  11. Different take on the topic. A sad, but true story which keeps happening in the world of Internet.

    1. thank you @viva.... welcome to my blog

  12. Girls should be very cautious while in the web-world. Your story gives that important message in an interesting manner.

    1. thanks @aativas ..welcome to my blog

  13. Many times we must think it matters a lot what my reaction mean to others or had i been in that person's place what would have been my reaction. Secondly this act could prove dangerous. Assuming the other person is not a villain but out of anger or haste some hasty detrimental steps some thing else could have been done by the other person. But very nice narration.

  14. There are some innocent people still facing these kind of incidents. There are lot of girls living in the life of fiction because of warnings and threats from rich/uncivilized persons making poor lady to burn the truth and unburned fiction..Daring act of post..ATB for BAT 37

  15. :O That is a sad ending. Poor girl :(


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