498A misuse


Statutory Warning : Beware Haiku Lovers, reading the verse below might result in an instant heart attack! :-))

:: My Haiku Protest ::

People's blogs are resembling more like zoos and botanical gardens
To make sense of 'em, my brains have got scrambled!

I rush to see, if they've written something new and great
But, instead thrown at my face, is a nasty haiku grenade!

A haiku for fossils, seeds, weeds, grass, petals, tree, twigs, roots and branches
A haiku for this, haiku for that, nothing spared to chances!

Use three sentences, and throw in a big unpronounceable word
You are declared a literary genuis, with the crowd cheering loud!

Why do they praise so mindless, I thought, I thought
Seems cos' the backlinks to their blogs they got!

I've had enough of these little 3 lines menace
So, heres me lodging my haiku protest :|

Since I'm done protesting, heres some haiku from my side to chew your head. You deserve it, cos I got my head chewed reading your haikus :D :P :O

:: My Haiku Revenge ::

PSssst : If you've survived this post so far, then what are you waiting for? Go home and write a haiku! :-) After all..

When your mind is blank, you cant think of anything new,
Only one thing comes to your rescue, and that's a haiku!

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  1. Ha! So true Nandidni! Even i am fed up of this Haiku thing....even after 5 months of blogging,i really couldn't understand what this 'haiku' thing meant!Drove me crazy seriously!I think this art(or is t?) was born because people don't have time to blog! I f no time than why write in the first place?!

    1. its their blog, they can write whatever they want on it lol...but yea my head got screwed in that process :-))

    2. Ya its their blog of course:).....as you have written these beautiful haikus:p, can u explain what this haiku really is? Is it something like 55 fiction?

    3. Haikus you have to write something in 3 short sentences not exceeding 17 words or so,,and use some big fancy word to make it look like art,thou you may be speaking absolute nonsense about grass or weeds etc lol

    4. ha ha! Thank u so much Nandini:) Now i know what haikus really mean:)

  2. Anonymous09:36

    Bad at grammar, What is Haiku
    You write well, Thanku

    1. hahaha... you needed to add one more sentence in ur comment,it'd have become a haiku :-))

  3. Lol! true story. A lot of times these Haikus did not make sense to me. And a great way to put this post - first a protest... and then a revenge

  4. Nandini

    I am amazed with your post . LOL . True . But i still love them and I loved yours too. And One day if possible I will also write some sensible ones . HA HA !

    Travel India

    1. go ahead and write :D I may write few more too just to make fun of it :p :p

    2. I was so fascinated and amused by your post that I came to read it again at this time. It is damn funny especially the way you have written. First the heading and then the matter and finally the revenge was best of all.

  5. Nice protest. I don't understand these haikus. However, I am told that when you are ignorant, either keep your mouth shut or praise as if you have interpreted it from an abstruse angle, inducing doubts in the minds of other readers that you may be an intellectual. An intriguing cryptic response is often preferred. Who knows if you continue to be cryptic, people may consider you the long lost Oracle of Delphi. :)

    1. i just decided not to be diplomatic anymore :D

  6. Japanese remain busy in working hard that's why I think they introduced such a small form of poetry

    1. i'm not against its format...its just that its being over done..i'm seeing silly haikus on fossils, weeds, bacteria and stuff everywhere with people doing wah wah as if its some masterpiece....that got on my nerves lol

  7. I am totally with u on this Nandini. The swarm of senseless Haikus floating the blogospehre irritate me. With due respect to their creativity, I wonder why some bloggers have to write something for the heck of it when they have no ideas. Blogging is all about good content else the readership & the fun of blogging dies a natural death. Fortunately, my mind still gets a lot of blogging ideas & I still havent fallen prey to Haikus..:)

    1. hey its cool,,they can write whatever they want...we can make fun of it if we get irritated by it..lol...thats why my haiku revenge =))

  8. I did write to a haiku loving friend once

    You write

    1. haha thats actually the best haiku i've read so far.

  9. I enjoy reading haiku but I agree - not all of them make sense to me :)

    Liked visiting this space :)


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