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rip mukul deva

Title : RIP
Language : English
Author : Mukul Deva
Genre : Fiction
Publisher : Westland Ltd (2012)
ISBN : 9789382618195
Binding : Paperback
Price : Rs. 200 ( Buy from Flipkart.com for Rs.164/- ( 18% Off )
Pages : 286

Book Summary : Indias literary storm trooper, Mukul Deva delivers yet another pulse-pounding, crackerjack of a thriller. Tethered on the edge of reality, RIP will keep you turning pages late into the night.
R.I.P. The Resurgent Indian Patriots. Self- appointed guardians of a nation seething with anger at the endless scams and scandals rocking its very foundation. Vigilantes who vow to stop corrupt politicians and colluding civil servants. Even if it means killing them.
Colonel Krishna Athawale and his team of Special Forces officers rally to protect the country from the enemy within. They call themselves the K-Team. And no one is safe from their deadly intent.
Hellbent on stopping them is Raghav Bhagat, rogue para commando, gun for hire and Krishnas bete noir. Caught in the crossfire is Vinod Bedi, Special Director CBI. Reena Bhagat, a glamorous news anchor, embittered by her husbands betrayal. And two young boys, Sachin and Azaan, torn apart by the loss of a parent. It doesnt get bigger.


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  1. It definitely seems to be a good buy. Thanks for review.

  2. Hello Nandini,
    Thank you for your review on this book.I must say that it's beautifully done. I have already decided to read this book after reading Jay's review:


    Your review has urged me further:)

    1. thanks...u'll get it at flipkart at a discount if you've not got it already and happy reading :-)

  3. Good review. Indiaplaza.in sells for even cheaper

  4. i agree to your review nandini . . great read the book it was :)

  5. Sounds Interesting! I must check this book at my favorite online bookstore..

  6. hmm, I want to read it now. awesome review :)


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