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- Musicians & Writers are all same.They both first create from something thats been bugging their mind,and then wants/expects the whole world to love it

- Who loves never leaves. Who left never loved !

- Importance of life is that you dont forget its importance

- What we set out to do is not usually what we end up doing!

- Optimism is the Best Medicine

- Only a person whom you truely love can make you cry

- No matter how great technology man manages 2 make,theres another 'one' up der wit even greater technology

- Death is such a Reality! No matter where you Hide,it gonna Grab You

- Clash of civilisation is actually clash of the burkha n bikini

- All of us were eggs,before we were born!

- One among million sperms get lucky with one lucky egg!

- Whatever happens in this world is either too Fascinating or too Horrifying

- Hate makes you feel stale,rotten.Love freshens you up

- Lifes a Bitch if you cant access twitter for several days

- Why cant allah himself save islam? Why does it need taliban,alqaeda,radical mullahs,suicide bombers to save it?

- Moral policing aint so bad ,otherwise world will be a funny place with everyone running around naked

- Will we ever have a world wher a human being do not kill another human?

- If u fail at something be stubborn and go right after it.

- Reality is DEATH remember that so dont act too smart in LIFE.

- One who thinks he knows it all---- their downfall happen cos they just might not know enough after all!

- Do what your heart tells you to do,NOT what others expect you to do.

- You had left me to cry,I decided to party instead.

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