When you didn't have a single childhood memory that was fun or happy,,
You know, you've had a toxic sibling...
When you've only seen an angry scowl, not ever a smile genuine,
You know, you've had a toxic sibling...
When your mother tells you stories how you as baby were thrown into the drain,
You know, you've had a toxic sibling..
When you were bullied, blackmailed and body shamed 24x7 throughout your teens,
You know, you've had a toxic sibling...
When your right to exist with dignity is forever under threat, you're made to feel guilty for things you never did,
You know, you've had a toxic sibling...
When you were ill-treated, belittled, humiliated, insulted constant, but cried foul when met with same treatment,
You know you've had a toxic sibling...
When the never ending accusations, bickering, provocation and mental tortures, led to ~ in a young age, even thoughts suicidal,
You know, you've had a toxic sibling...
And now, even when you've grown up, the hatred, the gaslighting, the constant judgement and mental harrassment doesn't cease or end,
For living in your own home, when you're repeatedly questioned or attacked,
You know, you've got a toxic siblingl

Having a wicked sibling...
Filled and blinded with hatred n hostility, extreme insecurity n jealousy, surrounded by negativity spreading toxicity...

Judgemental, hypocritical....she assumes things imaginary...
Beliefs falsity n half-truths as gospel ultimate...
Stubborn to call defeat even when she is faced with proofs infinite...
Childhood was a living nightmare with a wicked venom spewing sibling...thought she improved...but alas no!
Her behaviour is lot worse... even when she's now in her mid-fifties...

She oozes so much toxicity and negativity that living with her, her own son and husband became cancer patients. It happens when you are an evil soul, you make everyone around you sick!

How can one be so consistently malicious, full of spite and outright nasty to own sibling is perplexing. Having a wicked toxic sibling is the worst curse in life. But, Karma is around the corner! After life, you won't be judged by the marks you got in your school/college exams; rather, you'll be judged by how you treated a fellow human ...

More often than not, its always a close blood relative that causes you the most pain ( mental or physical - Mental pain lasts a lifetime! )

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