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5 black things that I desire and why. Let’s give it to Black!


My 'Black' wish-list is quite a long one that I had to write another post on it. In my last post, I wrote about the wonderful Black things I've experienced already and crave for more everyday. Here's the wishlist of all things Black, that I've not yet owned but hope to someday.


Sleek Black Apple Ipad Tablet - I have a sleek black laptop already. And I do most of my online-related work including blogging on it. But as I can't carry it around due to its rather bulky size, my most cherished dream is to own the latest version of Tablet of a reputable brand ( Apple or any - but of highest quality ), and a Black one at that. Tablet makes life mobile & convenient in the truest sense, and how I've wanted to own one for ages now. Its right on top of my Black wish-list.


70 inch Flat Screen LED Television Set - With that Black screen of course. I think those giant screen TVs look really impressive. And I want to own one soon replacing my old dull TV.


Black Spy-Camera - In these days of so many crimes happening all around us, I'd want a special Black spy pen-camera. It has a special micro-disk that can record for hours. So any time I see something spooky happening, I tap it and record. I'd also like it to be wire-less, and transmitting live to my PC back at home, so that in times of trouble brewing, I can send distress signals through it to alert others. Now, that'd be something cool to possess ain't it? This is so 'must' in my wish-list.


Black Aviators - With night-vision, infra-red, thermal imaging, multi-spectrum and video-recording capabilities. Yes, you guessed it right. I want no ordinary sun-glasses which you'll find in heaps at any market anyways. I want a pair of specially customized, jet Black Aviators that are enabled with infra-red and thermal imaging etc which enables me to wear them even in the dark and see objects or different temperature levels. Why I want that? I'm kinda detective-type in nature, I love solving mysterious things. Paranormal investigations fascinates me. Hence, these qualities in my aviators would enable me to see the impossible.


Sleek Black Body Suit - With Super-powers! We all have read those comic books with glee since our child-hood. All those Super-Man, Spider-Man, Bat-Man, He-Man etc. Its always been my dream to wear those body-hugging suits they wear. Of course being a Black lover, I'd want my suit to be the colour of darkness camouflaging it. I'd love to wear it and prowl the world at night, solving problems incognito --- just like those super-beings does. Yes, I want my Black body-suit to have extraordinary powers.

So, that's just a tiny wish-list from the many things I want Black...

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( Images : Google ) | A mane of gorgeous sleek hair, a sexy but classy LBD perfect for every occasion, ​​a crisp suit which can make any man look suave and dapper, a pair of intense kohl lined dark eyes which rule any lover’s heart… the list is endless! Black is also the colour of mystery. The kind of mystery that leaves you intrigued!​ A sleek smart phone, a well fitting pair of trousers, shiny pointed shoes with high heels, that could add that special touch to your sex-appeal almost instantly, a smart pair of shades, a swanky car…..yes, you can go on like that!​ ​Many of us love black. We are allured by its dark, sometimes intense, brooding power. But we can never get over its charm. We all have our reasons. “Oh, black makes me look thin!” or “Its my lucky colour!”.

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